a status column based on a status column of multiple dependencies

I have a scenario where I am successfully triggering based on the desired action (any change in the dependency column of an item). The scenario gets the pulseids of the dependencies of the triggering item. I am using an iterator to separate out the pulseids if there are more than one and a repeater to create one bundle per pulse id. What I am trying to do is check a status column for each of those pulseids (that are dependencies of the triggering item) and perform new actions depending on the results…and I am stuck. I dont know how to take the results of the iterator and or repeater and check a status column of those pulseids.

Hi @GuybrushThreepwood

To solve your issue, please check the below loom.

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Thank you so much for this video. The very end was cut off. I am able to replicate everything you showed, but I am now left with making sure that, for instance, all of the dependents are “Done” before the status column on the item changes.

Hi @GuybrushThreepwood

Using an iterator will result in modifications being applied to all items within the chosen dependent column.

If you wish to apply the same process to another dependent column, you should first implement a router before the iterator to direct the process accordingly. This ensures that the desired changes are made consistently across the additional dependent column as well.

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Thank you. I am not sure my response was clear.

If I have Items A, B, C
A has dependents B & C
I want A’s status to change only when B & C are both “Done.”
If only B is done and C is In Progress, A’s status won’t change.
If B AND C are Done, the A’s status would change.

In the video you shared a module gets the data from the linked pulse IDs from B and C. Then a filter is applied in between the Get Data and Update a column Value. How can I use the filter to make sure that BOTH B and C are done and not just B or C?

Thank you again.

Hi @GuybrushThreepwood

After the iterator, use the “get” variable to retrieve the corresponding dependent item. Then, employ the text aggregator to combine the IDs with a filter for items that have the status “Done.” This process will consolidate the values associated with the “Done” status.

To fulfill your requirement, utilize both the length of the dependent column and the length of the text aggregator by incorporating a filter.

If you need additional support or assistance with the implementation, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

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This is very helpful, thank you. Would you please show a screen shot of what is in between your module 8 and the final router (or a screen shot of the whole operation) so I can see how you linked all the modules?