What is currently working?
- I pull all tasks from Clickup in a List that I store Purchases (expenses)
- I use the text aggregator to list all Purchase IDs
- I query QuickBooks currently based on TxnDate between 2 dates because I am limited to 100 bundles.
- I use a filter to only allow {{1.Line.AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail.AccountRef.value}} (AccountRef) = “number of Quickbooks Chart of Account”
- Filter only Allows Web Real Estate expenses to pass
- Clickup Creates a Task for us to review inside of Clickup and Track for projects.
It appears I am limited to 100 bundles and as the months start going up, I have to narrow the TxnDates manually.
Is there anyway to query based on AccountRef.
The data is in the bundle:
I would love to get someone else’s opinion on how they would approach this.
The new goal is to create a new scenario focused on 1 particular Account Ref. This would allow me to expand the automation to do integrity checks between clickup and the chart of accounts to delete and/or add tasks to Clickup based on things changing in Quickbooks.