Clickup to Quickbooks Integration

I am trying to automate billing from Clickup to Quickbooks. I can successfully create an invoice based on a fixed fee custom field from Clickup to the correct customer. My problem is that I need to change the Item from Sales to an item that is specific to the task. (i.e. Item = Project Payment) Description = Pull from Clickup Task (success) Quantity (always 1) Price = (Pull from clickup task)

Everything is successful but I can’t figure out how to get the item to change.

As you can see from the scenario:

  1. I capture the list.
  2. I grab the tasks based on a specific filter
  3. I can find the item that I want to use for the invoice. (if i remove this, everything works as expected but the invoice item says Sales instead of Project Payment)
  4. If the customer doesn’t exist in quickbooks I get an email. The customer is matched up via customer ID that is in the clickup Task.
  5. The invoice will be created but only if I remove the search for items. I can’t figure out what I need to do to change the item.

hi @Robert_Payton!
Can you manuallt add the Project Item inside the create invoice? Does it work?
Can you share your mapping inside create invoice?


Hi @Robert_Payton,

Could you show us a screenshot of your array aggregator mapping?

Thanks for getting back to me. I figured it out. I forgot to add the variable to the Array. Now that I have done that, everything is working as expected. Loving learning Make.

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Hey @Robert_Payton welcome to the community :wave:

Awesome that you managed to figure this out on your own and thanks for stepping back into the community to share what you’ve learned with us :pray: Keep up the great work!