Need help with refund for lack of delivery

Hey everyone,

I couldn’t find a way to submit this to the Partner team directly, so I’m hoping this reaches the right people. After waiting 10 weeks for a 1-week project with nothing delivered, the pro I hired didn’t work out. They offered a refund, which I accepted, but I haven’t received it yet. I need help from the Partner team to resolve this.

Can you help?

Hi @AndrewW,

Welcome to the Make community. Sorry to hear you experienced issues with a Make Partner. Maybe you can PM @vendy, so she can relay the issue to the partner team internally.

This Make community is filled with Make enthusiasts and a few Make partners. We can help you with questions about the platform, but not with operational decisions.

If you are looking for another partner, you can do so via the partner directory on the Make website or in this community in the Hire a Pro category.


Hello @AndrewW, we’re sorry to hear about this truly unpleasant situation. Our Partnership Team will be in touch with you shortly to help investigate and resolve this.

Thank you very much for you collaboration :pray:

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