Notion Append Content, impossible to prompt a PDF or formatted content


I’m currently struggling to prompt content into a Notion Page. And I’m running out of ideas.

Let’s say that my original output is a text using markdown format, I tried the following solution to have it correctly prompted into my Notion :slight_smile:

  • Include directly the text into the notion page : unfortunately this does not take into account the text formatting (bold, underlined etc)
  • Convert the markdowned text to html, save it to a google doc then try to embed it : unfortunately this also integrate the google doc toolbars etc
  • convert the markdowned text to html, save it to google doc then use the google drive download module to try to embed it as a PDF : in this case the pdf is created but as soon as I try to embed the link using the Notion Append Content I’ve got the following error : The operation failed with an error. [400] Content creation Failed. Fix the following: Invalid pdf url.
  • Same as above but with an additional step of dropbox shared link, the embed or PDF trial result in a white space into my notion page saying failed to load PDF (I even tried to modify the url using raw=1 or dl=0 or dl=1 without any success).

So if someone managed to simply integrate, write or prompt formatted text into a notion page using markdown or html style, I would be very grateful to know the procedure.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help provided :slight_smile:

For example here below my last trial :

Giving the following results

knowing that the generated link is a public one :

Sometimes using a public google drive link doesn’t work with certain APIs. Perhaps use something like google cloud storage.

Thanks for the reply.

Based on that, prior to open a cloud storage account I tried to change the link itself

{{replace(replace(35.shareLink; ""; ""); "view?usp=sharing"; emptystring)}}

opening this kind of link in the browser, start directly the download of the file.

but still not working with the notion API using the add PDF.
also not working with the embed option using the above modified link.