Order Trello Cards by position

Dear Make community

I am currently creating a scenario in which I want to retrieve Trello cards from a Trello board and then loop through them. Unfortunately, the Trello cards are sorted by creation date and not by order within the Trello list and there is - as i see - no sortoption to order by this (in query of i found a “sort” option, but no way to sort like sort:position…).

I have seen that there is a Position field in the output of the cards, but even after a lot of trial and error I have not found a way to sort the cards by it.

How can i sort them correctly… I hope I have explained this clearly. Thank you very much for any help :pray:.

Hello :blob_wave:,

I am not really familiar with Trello but generally, you might try to create an array of Trello cards with the “Array aggregator” module and then use the “Sort” function to sort the array by the “key”.

The “key” would be the “Position” item.

Similarly as in the pictures below where I’ve created an array of IDs and positions.

I hope it helps.

Cheerio :cat_roomba:

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