Outlook API: All-Day Events Not Returned with Current Filter

I have an issue with the Outlook API in Make.com. I want to check if I have any events (either all-day or with specific times) on a particular date in my calendar. I’m using the following filter:

/v1.0/me/calendar/events?$filter=start/dateTime ge '{{11.__IMTMATCH__[2]}}T00:00:00Z' and end/dateTime le '{{11.__IMTMATCH__[2]}}T23:59:59Z'

The problem is that this filter does not return all-day events that occur on the specified date. These events are apparently excluded because their start/dateTime or end/dateTime technically fall outside the time range of 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.

How can I adjust my filter so that it correctly includes both time-specific events and all-day events for the given date?