PayPal Integration

Has anyone been able to integrate with PayPal to get transactions out and sent to AirTable.

I have tried the PayPal App, HTTP module and Webhooks module. Each failing for different reasons.

Hello @Sally_Baldwin,

Seems like the process is different depending on what type of transactions you are looking for, payments going out, or payments coming in, or both?

Do you need them instantly or are you polling them in batches or on a schedule?

PayPal requires you to have a Business account and to create an app.
With the app’s client ID and secret, the built-in PayPal app will take care of authentication the rest of the way.

Unfortunately, if you can’t find the modules you need, you’ll need to create a custom oauth connection (because it doesn’t appear that PayPal has a generic API call module).

If you’re polling transactions in batches, you can try using the transaction-search endpoint. Just keep track of the start date every time the scenario runs so that you don’t pull the same transactions.

If you want instant notification of transactions, try settings up webhooks.
After setting up a Custom Webhook trigger in your Make scenario, use that address when prompted while setting up webhooks on the PayPal side.

Thank you - yes I have been able to work it out using HTTP module.

Great, not sure why that isn’t built-in to the existing app. So you got it working the way you like and it’s all good?