Scenario Cycles - Not Pulling Incremental Records

I am connecting my Etsy shop to Airtable to capture listing metadata, prices, etc. I have over 400 listings, some with variations, so the first data pull is going to be several cycles. I set the Etsy module to pull 25 listings per cycle and I see the scenario to 20 cycles, and then I’d lower it down for subsequent maintenance runs,

Looking at the records the Etsy module is pulling each cycle in the History section, each subsequent cycle is pulling the exact same 25 records. The explanation in the help documentation says it should be incremental, but have I unintentionally set something so cycles are dulicative? Any insight on why the module is not incrementing in the next cycle the records it pulls?

What module is this?

As the results are always sorted by “Updated”, the last 25 updated records will be returned.

If you did not make any updates, then the same order of records will be returned, and you will always get the first 25 records.

You might need to set a high limit to capture all of your 400+ items, and then slice the resulting array if you want a subset of them.


Apologies for my very delayed response. The module is Etsy - List Shop Listings.

Maybe I am not understanding how cycles work. I have the limit set at 25 which seemed high based on the best practices recommended by Make in their documentation. In the scenario settings I have it set for a max of 20 cycles. Right after this module I have a filter to check if that listing has changed since the last check. Within the Etsy modules there’s no polling trigger so I’m basically attempting to create my own.

I have almost 500 listings, so the first run to pull all the data from Etsy will be large but subsequent runs should be less. The way the describes Cycles in their help documentation is the first cycle will process up to the limit, do the next limit amount in the second cycle, etc. " If 100 files are added to the Dropbox folder and the Limit field option is set to 10 then 10 files will be processed during the first cycle, the next 10 files in the second cycle, the next 10 files in the third cycle, and so on, until all files are processed." (I don’t know why they explain everything anecdotally instead of actually explaining how it works.)

Yes, I could set my limit to be 500, but when I did that previously, as a novice at this, I burnt through my Operations too fast. The documentation here is vague and unclear, especially if you don’t know how to code, so I am having to learn through a lot of trial and error.

So I don’t know what I’m not understanding or missing when both what I am experiencing, as well as what Samilew says above does not match what the help doc says on how Cycles should operate. How do I get my scenario to get the next set of records as described in their Dropbox example instead of the same set of records over and over on each cycle run?