Send a Message in Teams Group Chat Error


I am trying to send a group chat via the Teams action to 8+ people.

First off, the standard populated members option only shows the first 30ish people in my organization (shared mailboxes included) which is annoying so so I decided to try using the map option.

The action works but only works when I use the non-map option. This is a problem because once again it doesn’t show the members in my org that I need to send the message to.

When I try using the map option I receive a [400] Exception has been throw by the target of an invocation error. I know the MS Graph URL’s are correct because I got them from Graph in the first place.

Any thoughts?

I don’t have access to MS Team to test it out thoroughly, I believe this is either a issue with Make but try using this and see if this helps,

{{split(","; ",")}}

Basically, I think it is expecting an array instead of String, So, Either you can use split to convert the data to an array or, you can create an array using,

{{add(emptyarray; ""; "")}}


Thanks for the comment! I ended up using the Teams API Create a Group Chat call as a work around.