Sequential processing - mail hook issue

I have a scenario where a mail hook parses an email and then updates a google sheet and various other functions. I had a problem where if two items were processed by the mail hook too close together then it would go into the google sheet wrong. This worked perfectly until for some reason when an email that got filtered at the start as it was supposed to made it so that all the data went into the que and stopped processing immediately.

Hi, same problem. Just reported it to the support.

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Hello @Matthew_Murphy @vickswhat

Thanks a lot for raising this in the community.

I just wanted to let you know that the issue with records stuck in the queue is now resolved. All the queued records should now be processed and everything should function as expected.

Feel free to test on your end to see if everything is working for you.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. :pray: