@12enric, have you tried just saving the scenario, turning it on (not ‘play’, just set to ON), leaving the scenario and after a few seconds sending the slack ?
Sometimes webhooks don’t work directly when using ‘play scenario’ function and it bugs out - I reload the page after a few seconds I’ve done the event and surprise surprise it’s in the execution history. Lol
@kudracha I just did absolutley everythig. I am uploading a video for you to see. Did i miss something? Ca you share your Discord name so we can maybe talk?
@12enric,Ok so I tried on my end and it doesn’t work that way either. We have a bot set up and we’re using its’ connection to watch slack messages. Connecting with my own slack does not work as yours doesn’t.
My channel screen (we’ve invited bot to this channel and its’ connection observes messages) :