What are you trying to achieve?
I have made a scenario in which first a Slack module is set with a trigger to watch for new messages in a private Slack channel, and then that message is sent to perplexity ai for research and rewriting, and then that rewritten content is sent to a new slack module, which set with write message mode to put that rewritten content to another slack private channel, but the problem is that text content from perplexity is not shown in the slack channel, I have tried so many ways and setting but original text content is not showing.
Steps taken so far
I have tried changing the text field of the slack module and tried changing blocks with different variations but no improvement. below is the pic of the result from perplexity to slack. I am putting this in the text field → choices[0].message.content. I am putting this in the blocks field → …
“type”: “header”,
“text”: {
“type”: “plain_text”,
“text”: “ Perplexity.ai तथ्य-जांच समाचार”,
“emoji”: true
“type”: “section”,
“text”: {
“type”: “mrkdwn”,
“text”: “नया समाचार स्क्रिप्ट:\n\n{{choices[0].message.content}}”
“type”: “divider”
“type”: “context”,
“elements”: [
“type”: “mrkdwn”,
“text”: “स्रोत: Perplexity.ai | तथ्य-जांच और पुनः लिखा गया।”
I have also tried different variations of text fields inputs and these blocks but nothing looks like working. instead of getting the text content i am only getting this →
Perplexity.ai तथ्य-जांच समाचार
नया समाचार स्क्रिप्ट:
स्रोत: Perplexity.ai | तथ्य-जांच और पुनः लिखा गया।