I have a GraphQL module to perform a move_item_to_board which worked great, but a some time ago it started giving me a RunTime Error:
[200] [{“message”:“Argument ‘group_id’ on Field ‘move_item_to_board’ has an invalid value (topics). Expected type ‘ID!’.”,“locations”:[{“line”:2,“column”:3}],“path”:[“mutation”,“move_item_to_board”,“group_id”],“extensions”:{“code”:“argumentLiteralsIncompatible”,“typeName”:“Field”,“argumentName”:“group_id”}}]
Nothing changed on my end and this suddenly started happening. Would really appreciate the community’s help on this. I’m lost and no matter what I’ve tried, it didn’t work.
Thank you!
Blueprint attached:
blueprint.json (165.1 KB)
the mutation is:
mutation {
item_id: {{3.id}},
board_id: 1526815206,
group_id: topics,
columns_mapping: [
{source: “name”, target: “name”},
{source: “creation_log1”, target: “creation_log1”},
{source: “date”, target: “date”},
{source: “color6”, target: “color6”},
{source: “color”, target: “color”},
{source: “dropdown”, target: “dropdown”},
{source: “label”, target: “label”},
{source: “text2”, target: “text2”},
{source: “text6”, target: “text6”},
{source: “text28”, target: “text28”},
{source: “text5”, target: “text5”}
) {