Updating Connected Column on a Sub Item on Monday.com

mutation {
  change_column_value (board_id: CORRECT BOARD ID, item_id: {{21.id}}, column_id: "connect_boards6__1", value: "{\"linkedPulseId\": \"ITEM ID OF THE CONNECTED BOARD ITEM\"}") {

I am trying to use this Execute a GraphQL Query to update a connected sub item column on a monday.com board. It keep getting error messages saying the item id is not found on this board. It doesn’t make sense because the item is found on my board (its the correct board Id and the id is correct) - ive even tried adding a 5 second delay but its still not working. What am I doing wrong here?

I still think the board id is wrong. Did you copy it from the URL in your browser? (The board id in the browser URL is always the main board, no matter the item.)
Try query the item in make.com and map the board id from this item to the GraphQL.

the board ID in my query is hard coded and yes it is the correct board id to the item i am trying to update.

I use this query to change connected board ids:
mutation {
change_multiple_column_values(item_id:9876543210, board_id:1234567890, column_values: “{"connect_boards" : {"item_ids" : ["44332211", "11223344"]}}”) {

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I was able to finally get it to work using this:
mutation {
change_multiple_column_values(item_id: {{21.id}}, board_id: {{21.board.id}}, column_values: “{"connect_boards6__1" : {"item_ids" : ["{{8.id}}"]}}”) {

Thank you friend!!


Hey there @Brandi_LaRue :wave:

Just wanted to step in and congratulate you and @Levin on solving this challenging problem!

Thank you so much for sharing the workaround with us. I’m sure it will help other users while they seek a solution to a similar problem! :sunflower:

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