hi there,
I have a question for the community, sorry if it is very specific, but I have already tried all the alternatives.
I want to update a column in monday from make.com with a GraphQL query, it uses a value of type array with several elements inside. the query results in something like this:
here as the static elements:
change_multiple_column_values(board_id:2664704591, item_id:4836020925, column_values: β{"connect_boards6" : {"item_ids" :[ 3250783898, 3251460971, 3250782023, 47898 50971, 4843089473, 4870951353, 4870986814, 4870992498, 4871015792, 4871031386, 4871037787, 4871188497, 4871860559, 4871862099, 4872167581, 4872170055, 4872203429]}}β ) {
and here with the dynamic elements:
change_multiple_column_values(board_id:2664704591, item_id:4836020925, column_values: β{"connect_boards6" : {"item_ids" :[ text]}}β ) {
being text the array with the data.
The error is that when you did it with the static values, the query is executed successfully. With the dynamic values I get the following error: The operation failed with an error. [500] 439: unexpected token at β 3250783898, 3251460971, 3250782023, 4789850971, 4843089473, 4870951353, 4870986814, 4870992498, 487101 5792, 4871031386, 4871037787, 4871188497, 4871860559, 4871862099, 4872167581, 4872170055, 4872203429]}}β
is to inform that the query that is created with the dynamic elements is identical to the query with static elements.
hi there,
I have a question for the community, sorry if it is very specific, but I have already tried all the alternatives.
I want to update a column in monday from make.com with a GraphQL query, it uses a value of type array with several elements inside. the query results in something like this:
here as the static elements:
change_multiple_column_values(board_id:2664704591, item_id:4836020925, column_values: β{"connect_boards6" : {"item_ids" :[ 3250783898, 3251460971, 3250782023, 47898 50971, 4843089473, 4870951353, 4870986814, 4870992498, 4871015792, 4871031386, 4871037787, 4871188497, 4871860559, 4871862099, 4872167581, 4872170055, 4872203429]}}β ) {
and here with the dynamic elements:
change_multiple_column_values(board_id:2664704591, item_id:4836020925, column_values: β{"connect_boards6" : {"item_ids" :[ text]}}β ) {
being text the array with the data.
The error is that when you did it with the static values, the query is executed successfully. With the dynamic values I get the following error: The operation failed with an error. [500] 439: unexpected token at β 3250783898, 3251460971, 3250782023, 4789850971, 4843089473, 4870951353, 4870986814, 4870992498, 487101 5792, 4871031386, 4871037787, 4871188497, 4871860559, 4871862099, 4872167581, 4872170055, 4872203429]}}β
is to inform that the query that is created with the dynamic elements is identical to the query with static elements.
any help would be great
thank you