Error with module Execute a GraphQL query

hi there,
I have a question for the community, sorry if it is very specific, but I have already tried all the alternatives.

I want to update a column in monday from with a GraphQL query, it uses a value of type array with several elements inside. the query results in something like this:
here as the static elements:
change_multiple_column_values(board_id:2664704591, item_id:4836020925, column_values: β€œ{"connect_boards6" : {"item_ids" :[ 3250783898, 3251460971, 3250782023, 47898 50971, 4843089473, 4870951353, 4870986814, 4870992498, 4871015792, 4871031386, 4871037787, 4871188497, 4871860559, 4871862099, 4872167581, 4872170055, 4872203429]}}” ) {

and here with the dynamic elements:

change_multiple_column_values(board_id:2664704591, item_id:4836020925, column_values: β€œ{"connect_boards6" : {"item_ids" :[ text]}}” ) {

being text the array with the data.

The error is that when you did it with the static values, the query is executed successfully. With the dynamic values I get the following error: The operation failed with an error. [500] 439: unexpected token at ’ 3250783898, 3251460971, 3250782023, 4789850971, 4843089473, 4870951353, 4870986814, 4870992498, 487101 5792, 4871031386, 4871037787, 4871188497, 4871860559, 4871862099, 4872167581, 4872170055, 4872203429]}}’

is to inform that the query that is created with the dynamic elements is identical to the query with static elements.

hi there,
I have a question for the community, sorry if it is very specific, but I have already tried all the alternatives.

I want to update a column in monday from with a GraphQL query, it uses a value of type array with several elements inside. the query results in something like this:
here as the static elements:
change_multiple_column_values(board_id:2664704591, item_id:4836020925, column_values: β€œ{"connect_boards6" : {"item_ids" :[ 3250783898, 3251460971, 3250782023, 47898 50971, 4843089473, 4870951353, 4870986814, 4870992498, 4871015792, 4871031386, 4871037787, 4871188497, 4871860559, 4871862099, 4872167581, 4872170055, 4872203429]}}” ) {

and here with the dynamic elements:

change_multiple_column_values(board_id:2664704591, item_id:4836020925, column_values: β€œ{"connect_boards6" : {"item_ids" :[ text]}}” ) {

being text the array with the data.

The error is that when you did it with the static values, the query is executed successfully. With the dynamic values I get the following error: The operation failed with an error. [500] 439: unexpected token at ’ 3250783898, 3251460971, 3250782023, 4789850971, 4843089473, 4870951353, 4870986814, 4870992498, 487101 5792, 4871031386, 4871037787, 4871188497, 4871860559, 4871862099, 4872167581, 4872170055, 4872203429]}}’

is to inform that the query that is created with the dynamic elements is identical to the query with static elements.

any help would be great
thank you

Hi @Isrrael_Rios

I noticed that there are some errors in the code you used for the graph query. Therefore, I suggest you utilize the query provided below.

mutation {
change_multiple_column_values(item_id:4836020925, board_id:2664704591, column_values: β€œ{"connect_boards6" : {"item_ids" : [{{12.text}}]}}”) {


You have the option to directly incorporate the item instead of using text, and it will function equally effectively.


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@Msquare_Automation Thank you very much for your suggestions, I followed them to the letter and the error remains the same. I don’t know what else to try to solve.
[500] 439: unexpected token at β€˜3250783898, 3251460971, 3250782023, 4789850971, 4843089473, 4875524924, 4875555652, 4875683975, 4875719181, 4875748552, 4875766997]}}’

Hi @Isrrael_Rios

Please ensure that you have linked the board with the items in the relevant connection column.


The board items connected with the column can only update through make.

If you need additional support or assistance with the implementation, please connect with us.

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