I am creating an invoice template with a Google Doc that contains dynamic fields. I am stuck trying to sum up an array that is multiplying time by rate. I have used parseNumber to make sure the data is numeric only. The times are different on every row. The rate varies between a standard rate and an express rate. The rates are linked to a Google Sheet CRM and associated with the specific client. I have spent a few hours (and credits) trying to get it to work and all I get is £0. Can anyone please help? Thank you in advance
Hey Jonathan,
do you need to multiply each item in the array by a number? Can you share screenshots of your flow and the input bundles?
Hi Stoyan,
Thanks for responding to my post. I’m quite new to make.com and generating functions etc.
Yes I need to multiple a different times by different rates in the row and get the total.
10.Array ; 5 checks whether it’s the express rate or not (not express = 0 and express = 1)
10.Array ; 6 gets the time
1.5 hours x £10 (not express rate) = £15
2 hours x £20 (express rate) = £40
1 hour x £10 (not express rate) = £10
total_exvat = £65
I checked the incoming data and its quite tangled. From what I can see you have values.8.value.1.entry.5 for the Rate - this is the one you are checking first right? But in the bundle you shared, they are 40 or 27, not 1 or 0 as in your explanation. Then you need to multiply the value in values.8.value.1.entry.6 which is the time by the corresponding value coming from the other sheet right?
Hello Stoyan,
Thanks again for getting back to me.
I am pulling through 4 bundles based on specific criteria (client ID and within a date range).
The Microsoft Word Templates module keeps adding new rows within a table for every items that needs to be invoiced. This is done via a looping value type. The data is taken from the previous iterator module.
I now need to calculate the totals for the rows by pulling data from the aggregator module and using functions / formulas. My reference to the ’ 0 = no express and 1 = express ’ is due to the output from the bundle. In my G Sheet there is a tick box for signalling whether the time should be charged at the express rate or not. Rather than having a value of true or false, I changed it to 0 or 1.
Unticked (standard rate) = 0
Ticked (express rate) = 1
- Array ; 5 contains the data from the tick box
Therefore I decided to use the IF( ‘express rate’ = 0; output ‘standard rate’; alternatively output ‘express rate’) and then multiple it by the hours in the array. All of this is then placed inside a SUM () to gather the total
I have tried writing this so many different ways that my head is about to explode! I love Make.com and the deeper I go, the more useful it becomes. It just gets a bit challenging when you don’t have a tech background.