While deleting an old connection, I get those error :
But how to retrieve the last “incomplete execution” information from a list of 100+ scenarios ?
Thanks to Make API module.
Here is the scenario :
The scenario is designed to identify Make scenarios with incomplete executions and log them into a Google Sheet for monitoring. The flow includes retrieving scenario folders, listing scenarios in a folder, checking for incomplete executions, and logging data.
Steps in Detail
Retrieve Scenario Folders:
- Module:
- Purpose: Fetch a list of scenario folders available for a specific team.
- Parameters:
- Team ID (
your teamID account
) - Limit (
- Team ID (
- Output: Provides a list of folders, which serves as an input for subsequent steps.
- Module:
List All Scenarios:
- Module:
- Purpose: List all scenarios in the selected folder.
- Parameters:
- Team ID (
your teamID account
) - Folder ID (
), dynamically mapped from the previous step. - Organization ID (
your orgID account
) - Limit (
- Team ID (
- Output: Retrieves scenario details (e.g., IDs, names) for scenarios in the specified folder.
- Module:
Delay (Sleep):
- Module:
- Purpose: Introduce a delay of 10 seconds.
- Parameters:
- Duration (
10 seconds
- Duration (
- Use Case: Ensures that we don’t reach the MAKE API rate limit before processing.
- Module:
Check for Incomplete Executions:
- Module:
- Purpose: Check if any of the listed scenarios have incomplete executions.
- Parameters:
- Limit (
) - Scenario ID dynamically mapped from the previous step.
- Limit (
- Output: Generates a list of incomplete executions (if any) for the scenario.
- Module:
Filter: Log Only if Incomplete Executions Exist:
- Condition: The total number of bundles from the “Check for Incomplete Executions” step is greater than 0
- Purpose: Ensures that only scenarios with incomplete executions are logged into Google Sheets.
Log to Google Sheets:
- Module:
- Purpose: Log the details of scenarios with incomplete executions into a Google Sheet.
- Parameters:
- Sheet ID (
Feuille 2
) - Columns:
- Scenario ID (
) - Scenario Name (
) - Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) URL (
- Scenario ID (
- Sheet ID (
- Module:
Let me know if that helps ! Hope it is
By the way I’ve found the culprit :