Todoist webhook unresponsive [intermittently?]

Hi there!

My goal is to get a completed to do [Todoist] to register in Streamtime when completed in Todoist

Unfortunately the Todoist webhook has nothing appearing in it when hitting “run once” and waiting for new data.

The queue did have 44 old items in which I processed, but nothing new is appearing when I add or complete tasks.

When I set it to run every minute instead of on change, the input bundle is empty.

I contacted support, and it started working again and they said nothing was wrong… but now it has stopped working again.

The webhook was set to look at all changes, BUT for some reason only one webhook ever appears in the dropdown [it seems a bit buggy]

Not sure what is wrong…

Hi @nickdiacre

To solve your issue, please clear the queue.
After clear queue, please run the New Event instant trigger module and make new event in the Todoist.

If you require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
MSquare Support
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sadly this doesn’t work… it randomly comes back online a few hours later :frowning: