Updating a LeadConnector Contact but no Contact ID?


I’ve managed to succesfully make a sequence that creates a new GHL/LeadConnector contact based on a WooCommerce order IF the contact doesn’t already exist.

However, if the customer orders a second time and I’d need to update the contact based on the second order it sequence is failing to use the ‘Update a Contact’ module.

To Update a contact the module requests a Contact ID. The problem is, no previous modules (including the Search Contacts module) seem to gather that info. I get an error saying it’s lacking the ‘contact’ parameter needed to update the contact.

Even though the sequence has Searched Contacts, confirmed a contact in LeadConnector already exists matching the WooCommerce’s order email, it can’t update that contact’s info without the Contact ID…but it seems there’s no query able to bring that ID into the sequence.

Am I missing something. Any help is greatly appreciated as its driving me crazy :slight_smile:

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I have same issue, just a different source. Monitoring this post for a hopeful solution.