Urgent need - Dark Mode

Many people work at night, and a dark mode is needed to avoid visual damage, I don’t understand why this hasn’t been implemented yet.

To community and for make.com platform.


You mean a dark mode for the forum,

or the platform?

That’s a great idea! I’m sure others would agree that this is a nice feature to have.

You can submit this suggestion to the Idea exchange, under Platform ideas and improvements.

Don’t forget to search for it first, just in case someone already suggested it, so that you don’t end up creating a duplicate.

How did you manage to activate dark mode in the images?

Go to this URL if you are using Google Chrome


Search for “dark”

Enable it.


I’d like to second or third this request tho, if the web team could slide it in there somewhere it would save me needing to use dark reader which often lags pages :frowning: Yes i voted on the canny list :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi everyone :wave:

For all of you who would love to see dark mode in Make, feel free to upvote it in our Idea Exchange.

:arrow_right: Scenario Builder: Dark mode


If you’re looking for an “Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents” for Safari (desktop and mobile), I just bought the Noir extension and it’s looking great. :+1:

Here’s the view on an iPad: