I am using the free azure sql server setup to receive results by a webhook which is working fine.
The standard behaviour of the free azure sql server is to be in standby mode until it receives some requests. Unfortunately the start from standby to full accessible takes some time so starting the scenario runs into issues within the first seconds. I guess it can take up to 30 seconds for the server to be online completely.
At the moment I have scenario running 5 min before the final scenario is run. This scenario is just in place to send a select order only to start the server itself.
Please find the blueprint for the server start scenario here:
blueprint (1).json (16.3 KB)
I am doing this trying to avoid errors in the main scenarios.
Now I am thinking about running these scenarios more often and was thinking about maybe a better alternative to make sure the azure sql instance is up and running before working on the further sql updates and insert statements.
Does anyone have some recommendation or experiences on this?
Changing the azure to a non free plan wouldn’t make sense as the amount of data being stored and processed it not very much.