Hello there !
I have got a problem with my “Integromat function” in google sheet.
I put my webhook in Extensions > Make > settings > Perform a Function
I sent the data (from column A to S) if the cell A is not empty.
My complete function was =IF(LEN(A1343) > 0; INTEGROMAT(A1343:S1343) ; “To Do”), and it is on T column. I’ve cut it for the debug…
All had been ok until the row 1343…
Now, when I try to perfom it, I’ve got an error message
Here is the message :
Exception: No item with the given ID could be found. Possibly because you have not edited this item or you do not have permission to access it. (ligne 16).
As you can see on the pic, “Done” is marked when the data has been sent to my make scenario.
All my cells have exactly the same structure… I don’t know why now that doesn’t work. I’ve try on 1344 row, 1345… same error message.
I have change the webhook url but that didn’t nothing.
Any clue?