WhatsApp template not delivered

Hello makers, I buy a coffee to the one who solves my problem

Problem : The WhatsApp template is not delivered when the recipient number has not accepted the last conditions of use of Whatsapp.

Context : I built an automation on Make to send a Whatsapp template message to a recipient number. When I run it, sometimes the automation appears “successful” but the message is not delivered.

After researching, I found out the problem might be about old versions of whatsapp (on receiver side). So I tested sending the link written in whatsapp documentation to a user (View the Terms of Service update).
After he clicked it and accepted the last conditions of use, I retried to run my automation and it worked. The template has been delivered.

What I want : Being able to send a whatsapp template even when the recipient number has not accepted the last conditions of use, because actually very few people have done it, and I cannot ask customers to do it…

FYI, What I have done so far :

  • Template approved by Meta- Good format number
  • Try in different languages
  • Respect of the limit of usage (250 messages/day)
  • Permanent token OK

Update V2

Actually nothing to deal with cellular data :sweat_smile:

The real issue was the format of the number in the Module Whatsapp send template message .The number was directly sent via a form in a landing page that is filled by the user. I just have to parse and standardize the format by removing the “+” from the country code and remove spaces the user may have written in the form.

Big s/o to Muhammad Usman (Upwork) for his help on this, he knows Make & WA API very well :slight_smile:
Feel free to contact him on this kind of problem

Update V1

After discussing with Meta support, I solve this issue.

Actually, it was not a problem of WhatsApp versions or condition of use.

The real issue was that the receiver had no cellular data activated, therefore the message cannot be delivered.


Hey @Antoine welcome to the Make Community :wave:

Thanks a lot for stepping back and updating us on the progress. Human errors can lead to some amusing situations, right? Anyway, it’s great that you found the root cause of this issue and can now get this up and running. :slight_smile:

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