You can use Microsoft 365 Shared Mailbox with

Hello everyone!

I have noticed quite several queries on the community about whether it is even possible to use M365 Shared mailboxes in your scenarios:

Microsoft 365 Shared Mailbox - Questions & Answers - Make Community


Microsoft 365 Email / Watch Messages / Shared Mailbox - Questions & Answers - Make Community

All of them have been closed without Solving, so I decided to start a new thread and explain how you can do this for your projects.

The problem: When users try to create a connection and add an M365 shared mailbox to their scenario, they get redirected to the Microsoft login page. If they simply try to
sign in using their shared mailbox email address they will get an error and a connection will never be created.

:white_check_mark: Solution: To solve this issue you need to be an administrator in your Microsoft 365 account. If you are an administrator simply navigate to Then using the left pane menu proceed to Users > Active users > Choose the shared mailbox you wish to connect to your scenario. On the top right corner click “Reset password” (read - Set password as you have never set a password for your Shared mailbox before).

After you reset(/set) the password, return to the scenario page. Now you can add a connection and sign in to Shared Mailbox using the Email address and Password that you have just set on Microsoft 365 Admin Page. The procedure itself is the same as if you connect your personal Email address. :partying_face:

P.S. Maybe the M365 will also ask you to install their Authenticator app and log in with a Shared email account. The procedure itself is quite simple.

P.S. 2. Please note that you will require this password to create a connection only. You will not need that password to log into the Outlook application.


Hello there @Andr :blob_wave:

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge here. We truly appreciate it. :brain:

FYI: Because the nature of your content is educational and very cool I moved it into our Showcase category :muscle:

Keep up the great job! :meow_party:

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I got this to work great. However my outlook watch isnt triggering when the email comes into the shared folder. Any ideas?

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@Nick_Lee can you share screenshots of your trigger settings?

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I can’t get this to work either… Anybody figure it out?

I Figured it out, Chrome was auto logging me in to my default email- solution. Did it in edge and was able to log in. For any future people.

This might happen if you have any active Rules in your outlook (i.e. your email being auto moved from inbox folder to some other folder after receipt etc).

As a workaround I would recommend the following: Create one more folder and name it “For”. Setup one more rule and place it on the very top of all others. You will need to copy all incoming emails to folder “For”. Do not tick “Stop processing all other rules”. Now in setup triger for the specific folder - “For”.

Hope that helps.