[422] The formula for filtering records is invalid: Unknown field names: false

Hi there,

I am using the Airtable Search Records Module and I’m trying to only return records where the “Booked Date” field in Airtable is 1/1/25 or later.

In airtable, if I create the formula YEAR({Booked Date})>2024 then it works correctly.

In make if I use the same formula then I get the error: [422] The formula for filtering records is invalid: Unknown field names: false

I’ve tried to put “” around the field, the number. I’ve tried the green > vs just regular >. Can’t seem to get it to work.

Has anyone had luck with this kind of formula in airtable? Possibly a bug in airtable. I haven’t found a solution in any other community post.

Hello @cleanbooks,

There are 2 solutions you can do.

As per Current Setup

The Airtable Search Module formula field needs a formula syntax based on the airtable formula check this Airtable Web API - Using filterByFormula or sort parameters

In your case, you need to use airtable functions AND, SEARCH or any of the Regular Expression.
Please try both of these because the field {temp4} returns a boolean(true or false). Not sure that quote ("), is needed.
Add these to your airtable field formula.

  1. AND({temp4}=true)
  2. AND({temp4}="true")

Try using different Views

Just set a view in the Airtable which has a filter {temp4} is true.
Then directly use that view on the Airtable module.

I hope this helps you.

:bulb:P.S.: Always search first, Check Make Academy. If this is helpful, Mark Best as Solutions :white_check_mark: and give :+1:
If you need expert help or have questions? Contact or comment below! :point_down:

Your solutions assume that I must use a helper field in Airtable. Yes, that’s a possible solution for now. As is using a view.

However, I’m hopeful that there is an actual way to use the Formula filter in Make. Is there any way to use this formula (which works in the airtable UI) in make?

YEAR({Booked Date})>2024

Hello @cleanbooks,
Now understand the difference between the regular formula used(Airtable UI) and how we used it with Airtable API.

I think you’re confused here.
There are some differences.

All of these are different. That’s why I recommend you check the details about filterbyformula and read it carefully.

I hope this clarifies more about this topic.