I cant fix the formula in the airtable "Search Records"

I am working on an appointment scheduler, rescheduler and canceler.

I need a formula that searches for a specific Firstname, Lastname, Date, and Time. The formula should check whether the specified appointment details are available.

  • If no matching appointment is found, the output should be TRUE.
  • If there is an overlapping appointment, the output should be FALSE.

This is my formula right now: after this module i want to make a router. but is doenst seem to work.

Hello @Santos,
The formula you write on the Airtable Formula box in Make, Is not the same as you write on Airtable Formula Field.

This formula in the make follows the specific syntax of the airtable formula that you can check here. Airtable Web API - Using filterByFormula or sort parameters

As of now try to remove the surrounded if and use AND() only.

Also, please check my answers related to this topic.

:light_bulb:P.S.: Always search first, Check Make Academy. If this is helpful, Mark Best as Solutions :white_check_mark: and give :+1:
If you need expert help or have questions? Contact or comment below! :backhand_index_pointing_down:

it works right now!

Thank you for helping

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:white_check_mark: Please remember to mark the most helpful replies to your questions as solutions. It helps keep the community organized.

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