Adobe Acrobat Sign - Create Agreement

Hi there!

I have an issue using the verified module Adobe Acrobat Sign. I am using Create an Agreement and everything runs through OK, but I get an email on my Acrobat admin account stating “We were unable to create your agreement Test Doc 13 because we had a problem processing your document Test Doc (Adobe Tags).”

Here are the bundles:


        "name": "Test Doc 13",
        "state": "IN_PROCESS",
        "message": "Please sign this document ASAP",
        "fileInfos": [
                "select": "url",
                "urlFileInfo": {
                    "url": "",
                    "name": "Test Doc (Adobe Tags)",
                    "mimeType": "application/pdf"
        "signatureType": "ESIGN",
        "reminderFrequency": "DAILY_UNTIL_SIGNED",
        "participantSetsInfo": [
                "role": "SIGNER",
                "order": "1",
                "memberInfos": [
                        "email": "",
                        "securityOption": {
                            "authenticationMethod": "NONE"


        "id": "CBJCHBCAABAA6c8T8hwLWIM6yF5LgCgqJrgtH-fvmBVe",
        "name": "Test Doc 13",
        "type": "AGREEMENT",
        "message": "Please sign this document ASAP",
        "participantSetsInfo": [
                "id": "CBJCHBCAABAATkvhO8C4f5iDyEGEejHaoeFtbm3xm5QJ",
                "memberInfos": [
                        "email": "",
                        "deliverableEmail": true,
                        "name": "ACME",
                        "id": "CBJCHBCAABAAlA9tmPWFgy4dgRBqd5869A81jEf6cpth",
                        "securityOption": {
                            "authenticationMethod": "NONE",
                            "identityCheckInfo": {}
                "role": "SIGNER",
                "order": 1
        "senderEmail": "",
        "createdDate": "2025-01-22T10:36:03.000Z",
        "lastEventDate": "2025-01-22T10:36:03.000Z",
        "signatureType": "ESIGN",
        "firstReminderDelay": 24,
        "reminderFrequency": "DAILY_UNTIL_SIGNED",
        "locale": "en_US",
        "status": "CANCELLED",
        "documentVisibilityEnabled": false,
        "hasFormFieldData": false,
        "hasSignerIdentityReport": false,
        "agreementSettingsInfo": {
            "canEditFiles": true,
            "canEditElectronicSeals": true,
            "canEditAgreementSettings": true,
            "showAgreementReminderSentEvents": false,
            "hipaaEnabled": false,
            "showDocumentsViewedEvents": false
        "sendType": "REGULAR_SEND",
        "senderSigns": "NEVER",
        "createdGroupId": "CBJCHBCAABAAWTenjHx6MwM3gdS-wRQJUi5e5KRAF02B",
        "documentRetentionApplied": false

When this runs, I just get this email:

Any ideas?

If I try accessing the URL you specified in the input, I get a 404 error (not found).

If you’re using an URL as input, it must be publicly accessible - see this note in the Adobe Sign help.

Yes, I have obfuscated the URL within this post on purpose for security.

The URL works and has been shared and is publicly accessible from my Google Drive. I also uploaded it to a public website instead of my Google Drive to check if this was the problem - it is not

Ah right. It looks then like Adobe Sign just doesn’t like the document for some reason.

I’d suggest logging a case with Adobe Acrobat Sign support.

When you get a resolution, please add a post here with the solution.