Hey there, I just started with automation,
Situation as followed, I Record calls and save them in OneDrive, but the File Names are only the numbers, Time and Date and I want to automatically copy the files to a new Folder and rename them, the renaming should replace the incoming Number (which is provided in the generated name) with the actual name of the Caller (which would come from a .csv file).
Is that Possible or is that too specific?
Sounds pretty straightforward - OneDrive is fully supported.
How would the name in the CSV be matched to the recording?
Hey, I haven’t thought about the exact way, but I had hoped I could just compare the name Numbers with the numbers in the .csv and replace it with the name which would be in the next Column.
Another problem I have with the automation right now is, I don’t know how I can copy ONLY new files.
I can make it that every file older than 5 minutes or so is copied, but that has flaws