Browser Addon to Launch Scenario

Hi there, does anyone know about a way to trigger a scenario using a browser addon?

I have some scenarios that usually run once a day but sometimes I want to trigger them immediately, which is a bit of a pain since I then need to log in find the scenario and click run once.


Not a browser extension, but this is what i do for solutions.

If you know basic HTML,CSS, JS you can create a quick dashboard to use webbooks to launch scenarios with buttons.

very simple example. (unfortunately I cant share more advanced used case than this at this time)
the buttons trigger the webhook load in the iframe (that currently (that currently has page error)
so that you dont leave the dashboard.

Alternatively you can setup an internal quick actions dashboard pretty quickly.

If you are using webhooks in such a way you pass payloads, appsmith is probably a better idea.

Basic Boilerplate

Rushed boilerplate forgive the sloppy code.

<html lang="en">
        <script src=""></script>
        <div class="buttons-container">
            <a target="iframe_start" class="primary" href="{{webhookstring}}?{{some-variable-name}}={{variable-to-pass-to-make}}">Button Text</a>
            <a target="iframe_start" class="primary" href="{{webhookstring}}?{{some-variable-name}}={{variable-to-pass-to-make}}">Button Text</a>
            <a target="iframe_start" class="primary" href="{{webhookstring}}?{{some-variable-name}}={{variable-to-pass-to-make}}">Button Text</a>
            <a target="iframe_start" class="primary" href="{{webhookstring}}?{{some-variable-name}}={{variable-to-pass-to-make}}">Button Text</a>
        <iframe src="{{placeholder-url}}" height="72px" name="iframe_start" class="action-status"></iframe>
$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".buttons-container a").click(function() {
		$current = jQuery(this); 
        $('.action-status').attr('src', '{{placeholder-url}}')
		}, 30000);

Placeholder URL can point to a page that says “inactive”
iframe can show “make accepted request, make completed request”

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Alrighty finally got a chance to throw together a quick demo for ya.
(I can share the appsmith template if you are interested)

(i only had about 10 minutes to do this, so i have only tested it on computer no promises on mobile)

AppSmith Make/Integromat Webhook Controller Demo.

Webhooks Example Sheet - Google Sheets it uses this google sheet as a database of webhooks.

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