Clickup Watchers

How do i add click up watchers to a task? i realized there’s no make integration, so I am ok with doing an API call. but I cant even find watchers on their documentation. Any other idea?

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I think the OP was asking about the Watchers feature in Clickup that allows people to keep getting notifications regarding any particular board or tasks. I am not sure if they have API to add a watcher to a task.


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Sorry about the confusion, More specifically what OP want is add certain users as a Watchers in task, like subscribers subscribed to a task which will get updates if any things changes in a particular task.

They have added a feature to add watchers to a task, but I couldn’t find any documentation in ClickUp API allowing this.


Hi @Lloyd_Johnson,

I don’t think it is also possible to do this via API. There is an ongoing feature request from 2020 in Clickup not sure if this is planned on their end at the moment, and unfortunately, I don’t think there is a way to do it, maybe it is doable via Browser based automation(like through Selenium) which I believe is out of scope of what we are discussing.

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bro what are you talking about? i know how to make a scenario. i am asking about watchers in ClickUp

No that is not what it says up there. Those tasks WATCH a task. like for changes. CU has WATCHERS kinda like ASSIGNEES but they are not responsible for the task.

Thank you for hearing my actual problem and trying to solve it! I spent a few more hours on this and came up with this solution, it was a little involved.

1st problem is that I am given an email not a User ID from CU. So in another Scenario, I created a google sheet that can act as my database (this updates once a day) I make an CU API call with the end point being /v2/list/XXXXXX/member/. This gives me an array of users that have access to this list on CU. (pic)

Then in my OP task I do a google sheet lookup based on email to get the ID of the user.
I had to make a Json object for this one then pass that ID in another CU API Call. (pic)

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