Comment on users new Instagram post

Hey, im new to make and have watched a few videos and read some tuturials.
Im a little stuck on other user-generated content.

Is there a way to be notified (prehaps write to a google sheet) when i selected account username (not part of my connections) has posted a new photo/video/reel?

I would also like to comment on that post directly from my google sheet (prehaps in the next column) (structure could be something like ( Username | Caption | Reply )|Hope that makes sense.


I dont think it is possible in make.

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Make currently does not have an Instagram module that does that.

If Instagram has an API endpoint that does what you want in the Developer API Reference/Documentation, then yes, you should be able to integrate the endpoints in Make using the generic HTTP “Make a request” module. Otherwise I don’t think you can do that because it would have an API endpoint.

You can also suggest for it to be made in the Idea exchange. Don’t forget to search for it first, in case someone already suggested it!

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