Creating a Complex Workflow for Automating Content Management and Social Media Posting

What are you trying to achieve?

Here is the translated text in English:


I am new to For the past two weeks, I have been watching many videos and trying to create workflows. The first workflow I want to create includes:

– Converting data from the RSS API to text to write a title and short description for use in my Canva template. Then, adding this to Google Sheets. (Screenshots 01 and 02)
– Creating multiple images in Canva. Uploading the created images to Dropbox.
– In the second part of the workflow, using Repeater to take 2 images from Dropbox and send them as a message to Discord. (Screenshots 03, 04, 05, and 06)
– Updating the Google Sheet. (Screenshot 07)
– Sharing the content that I marked as Approved in Google Sheets to Facebook and Instagram. (Screenshots 08 and 09)

The scenario requires sharing the approved content on Facebook and Instagram 3 times a day.

How should I set the Schedule settings?
How can I configure Google Sheets to share the content in column F once a day, every 3 days, or at other intervals, to share 3 times in one day or another number of times when approved?

The screenshots related to the workflow are attached.

I have been struggling with this for days and cannot solve it. Is there an explanatory video on this, or someone who can directly help? I would be very grateful for your assistance.

Best regards,

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors