Creating a Complex Workflow for Automating Content Management and Social Media Posting

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Here is the translated text in English:


I am new to For the past two weeks, I have been watching many videos and trying to create workflows. The first workflow I want to create includes:

– Converting data from the RSS API to text to write a title and short description for use in my Canva template. Then, adding this to Google Sheets. (Screenshots 01 and 02)
– Creating multiple images in Canva. Uploading the created images to Dropbox.
– In the second part of the workflow, using Repeater to take 2 images from Dropbox and send them as a message to Discord. (Screenshots 03, 04, 05, and 06)
– Updating the Google Sheet. (Screenshot 07)
– Sharing the content that I marked as Approved in Google Sheets to Facebook and Instagram. (Screenshots 08 and 09)

The scenario requires sharing the approved content on Facebook and Instagram 3 times a day.

How should I set the Schedule settings?
How can I configure Google Sheets to share the content in column F once a day, every 3 days, or at other intervals, to share 3 times in one day or another number of times when approved?

The screenshots related to the workflow are attached.

I have been struggling with this for days and cannot solve it. Is there an explanatory video on this, or someone who can directly help? I would be very grateful for your assistance.

Best regards,

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

Howdy @Acente_Haber,

I once too attempted to accomplish much in a single scenario.

Were you to break down the sectional steps into individual scenarios, you’d have greater control of when to call the needed steps.

Further, you could use Make’s Data Stores to help pass information between scenarios or use a JSON Data Structure to act as the webhook caller or response when On Demand calling doesn’t suffice.