CrocoBlock is your ultimate toolkit to build dynamic WordPress websites with no code 🚀

Hey Makers :wave:

Our Apps family boasts numerous exceptional apps and solutions. To spotlight our partners and their capabilities, we created the “Technology Partners Spotlight” series, a community-focused initiative. Whether you seek an alternative or something unique, keep an eye on this series for potential solutions. You just might find what you’ve been searching for.

Today we’re shining the light on Crocoblock! :flashlight:

:computer: What does Crocoblock do and what category does it fit in?

Crocoblock helps WordPress developers create dynamic sites. Our pre-made templates empower you to build event websites, directories, web agencies, and more, all with just a few clicks.

:star2: What is Crocoblock’s superpower or unique selling point?

Our Community feedback resonates with our superpowers:

  1. Crocoblock helps me build advanced websites

  2. With continuous improvement, I can always add new features to my projects and create new types of sites.

  3. Crocoblock JetEngine is the first plugin I install after Elementor and Elementor Pro whenever I need to create custom post types. The interface is very intuitive, and it integrates seamlessly with Elementor.

:busts_in_silhouette: Who are Crocoblock’s typical customers and what are their use cases?

Our customers are usually web developers and web agencies, and their top use cases are marketplace, booking an appointment, and directory sites.

:scream_cat: What is the biggest challenge your customers face without using Crocoblock?

Without Crocoblock, developers should code more to create advanced sites.

:rocket: What can users do with Crocoblock and Make?

  1. Send data from JetFormBuilder to Google Sheets

Once a form is submitted, the data needs to be processed and made available to different stakeholders such as the site admin, other user roles (e.g., support staff), and potentially the user who submitted the form.

  1. Send an SMS reminder 24 hours before the appointment

When a user books an appointment on an appointment website, the system should automatically send a reminder notification (via email, SMS, or another method) to the user 24 hours before the appointment time.

  1. Add multiple appointments to Google Calendar and Gmail

A user books multiple appointments (e.g., for a spa, medical service, or barbershop) on different days and times. Each appointment might involve different services and providers. Once booked, these appointments need to be added to Google Calendar, and a confirmation email should be sent to the user.

  1. Connect to the JetBooking plugin and Google Calendar

When a user book dates on a booking website created by implementing the JetBooking plugin, these dates are duplicated to Google Calendar.

:thought_balloon:To the Makers…

Unlock the power of dynamic websites with Crocoblock. No need for complex coding anymore - with Croco you’ll gain profitable dynamic websites in the flick of a wrist.

Get up to 40% discounts during the Crocobloc 6th Birthday sale

Helpful Resources

What Makes Crocoblock the First-Best Toolkit for WordPress Web Creators


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