🟣 Releases on Make: June 2022

Hey Makers :wave:

To kick things off with the biggest cliche ever - time truly flies, doesn’t it :hourglass_flowing_sand:

It feels like yesterday that I was talking about the new apps we released in May. And voila, I’ve got a whole new list of our fresh June apps to share with you!

:arrow_down: Check them out :arrow_down:

:purple_circle: New Apps on Make :purple_circle:

:purple_circle: Banqup

Banqup is an API-driven platform for open banking solutions that allows banks and fintech companies to access a number of European banking APIs. Banqup is a simple and smart solution that combines payments, invoicing, and document management. Using Banqup, businesses can enjoy payment services such as their own Banqup Business Wallet.

:purple_circle: Cflow

Cflow is a cloud-based workflow software for SMBs that helps manage and automate business processes and increase productivity. Cflow allows organizations to shift from email and spreadsheet-based management to using business apps that provide unique insights into process bottlenecks, employee productivity, and operational efficiencies.

:purple_circle: Custom JS

Time to explore Make’s new built-in Custom JS tool! It features a module called ‘Execute a Custom Javascript’ that allows you to run custom Javascript code written in the module.

:purple_circle: Cuttly

Cuttly is a URL shortener designed to help businesses of all sizes shorten, track, and optimize links. One of the things the platform lets you do is set up link expiration parameters based on the number of clicks and date. Teams can also gain insights into click rates based on multiple parameters including languages, devices, browsers, and geo-locations. All of the above concentrated in one place.

:purple_circle: Image-Charts

Thanks to Image-Charts, you no longer need to suffer while rendering charts server-side. With Image-Charts, 1 url equals 1 chart that can be automatically generated and sent through email, chat bots or even PDF reports. You can think about Image-Charts as a drop-in-place replacement for Google Image Charts that even supports gif animation.

:purple_circle: Mailcheck

Mailcheck is a tool that helps you maintain clean emailing lists. In contrast to similar services, Mailcheck uses a spectrum of different validations that allow you to adjust the filtering process of your mailing list. Mailcheck also offers a feature of email validation in your registration or opt-in form. In other words, it allows you to filter out undesired emails before they even enter your lists.

:purple_circle: Néctar CRM

The CRM software tool offered by Nectar Infotel connects your company with your customers via your website as well as different social media platforms. With Nectar CRM, you get to research, analyze, and manage customer engagement with incorporated datasets to improve customer relationships and increase sales growth. Since it is a CRM, it also works as a database of all sorts of information about your prospects and leads.

:purple_circle: Paperless

Paperless lets you create, approve, sign, manage, and automate intelligent documents; all of that in one place. With Paperless, you get to enjoy increased productivity and a better document management experience for everyone involved. The tool is also fully GDPR compliant.

:purple_circle: Roam-bot

Roam-bot brings easy automation to all the busy bees out there. The system is here to help you move info between your Roam Research graph and your favorite web apps. All of that happens automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.

:purple_circle: Tolstoy

With Tolstoy’s interactive video bots, you get to build brand loyalty by showing visitors the authentic, intimate side of your brand. You can completely personalize your product recommendations for every visitor, based on what they tell you. Tolstoy also lets you collect visitor contact details, and use their answers to create super-smart segmentation.

:purple_heart: Feel free to explore the heck out of these newbies and share your experience with the community