Using the information from Send a graphql request
I created a POST mutation using the body:
mutation {
data: {
order_id: "snmdlwerewrfnalksnflskdf"
address: {
name: "John"
address1: "2543 Johnson St."
address2: "Apt. 2"
city: "Oklahoma"
state: "Oklahoma"
zip: "73008"
country: "US"
phone: "5555555555"
line_items: { line_item_id: "khenkjfgnhosdfjlkadsjfg", quantity: 1 }
labels: {
address: {
name: "John"
address1: "2543 Johnson St."
address2: "Apt. 2"
city: "Oklahoma"
state: "Oklahoma"
zip: "73008"
country: "US"
phone: "5555555555"
carrier: "UPS"
shipping_name: "UPS - Ground"
shipping_method: "Ground"
cost: "1.00"
dimensions: { weight: "12", height: "12", width: "12", length: "12" }
label: {
paper_pdf_location: ""
line_item_ids: "khenkjfgnhosdfjlkadsjfg"
tracking_number: "1234434242444444434"
notify_customer_via_shiphero: true
notify_customer_via_store: true
) {
I just get error 400 “Please contact admin”. When I send the same mutation through a GraphQL IDE like Altair, it’s successful. Sending a GET query (different type) through HTTP module using the query string works.