How does the "Query" field works on this module

i’m trying to get all the cards from a trello list. But i can’t find anywhere in the docs a place where you can go and have an explanation about how to use every module…

I want to use the “Search for cards” module but i don’t know what the “Query” input stands for. What should i put there?. Same with the “Cards” section

Thank you

Hi @itsNacho

Did you try mapping the name you want to search in query?

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Hi Nacho

I struggled with this too but eventually found something (unfortunately on a Zapier page!!!)

  • @ - Use the @ sign before a name to find cards assigned to a specific member. Trello suggests members when you start typing @in the search box. Use @me to find only the cards that you’re assigned to.
  • board: - By default, Trello searches across all your boards. To search within one specific board, add board: before the name of your board, such as “board:zapier.”
  • is:starred - This operator restricts your search to only your starred boards.
  • list: - Add this before the name of a list to only search cards within that list. For example, list:info.
  • label: - Use this to search by label, color, or name. For example, label:yellow or label:next.
  • created:, edited:, and due: - Add these before “day,” “week,” or “month” to find cards that were created or edited or have a deadline in those timeframes or have a deadline. For example, created:day will show you new cards created in the last 24 hours. You can also add a number to specify the date range. For example, due:10 returns cards that are due in the next 10 days.
  • is:open and is:archived - Find only open cards or find only archived cards.
  • description:, checklist:, comment:, and name: - Add these operators before the text of your search to find cards with matching text. For example, description:how to will find all the cards with “how to” in the description.
  • - (minus sign) - Add the minus sign before any of the operators above to do a negative search. For example, -is:archived only includes cards that are open in Trello, not ones that are archived.

Hope that helps