๐Ÿƒ How to automatically create email signatures [MRM]


Creating email signatures can be a time-consuming task, especially for larger companies with many employees.

However, itโ€™s possible to automate this process and make it much more efficient in few easy steps. Check out the scenario below.

:hammer_and_wrench: What it does

  1. Create a form, where your employees can enter their work email address and upload a pic.
  2. Match their work email address in your data base, so you get the other details you need in the signature (e.g. name, business title, etc.)
  3. Resize and upload the pic theyโ€™ve provided to an accessible place.
  4. Put this altogether in a nice HTML created by your designer.
  5. Send it to the employee, so they can just copy-paste it.

:framed_picture: What it loos like

Hereโ€™s how weโ€™ve set this up in Make using Make :wink:


:make: Tally app on Make
:make: AWS S3 app on Make
:make: Google Sheets app on Make
:make: Gmail app on Make
:make: HTTP module
:make: Image app on Make
:make: Make tools: set variable
:make: Custom webhook


Heya @Simona_Taseva thanks a ton for sharing your scenario with the community! :pray:

Creating email signatures can be a real pain, especially for larger companies, so your tips on automating the process are super valuable. Iโ€™m sure many Makers will appreciate this and it will save them tons of time. :blob_dance:

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Nice work. This is a very helpful solution.