How to dynamically add row in embedded gmail table


I’m trying to bring data from AirTable to Gmail, using make- resulting in a daily table.
Aggregating the records and dynamically adding rows to the table embedded in Gmail.
I was able to get a table with one record or many emails with one row but not one table with all the records each in a separate row.
Would appreciate the advice.
Thank you

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Howdy @Osnat_Melnikov Welcome to the :make: Make Community!

Can you share screenshots of how far you made it into the process, and where you got stuck.

That would very much help me give you better instruction.

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All good, an html table is an html table xD

Are you only adding a linebreak in each cell (e.g.) not moving in the data from airtable?

Can you send me a screenshot of this output.
Remember to remove sensitive data like the following

Before posting the screenshot here.

One quick note:

you need to put in the gmail module:

     {output from text aggregator here}


            {<th>c1 head</th><th>c2head</th>}etcetc
        {{output from text aggregator here}}

Thank you so much for the advice!
I’m gratful to the Make Help Center & community, it’s Awesome and heartwarming Thank you!

Here is the solution:

I copied HTML code for a table created in WordToHTML
The text aggregator has the table body and connected data to AirTable
The Set Variable has the table body and the following rows to enter
The Markdown has the table body and table headline.

@Osnat_Melnikov Glad to know that your issue is resolved.