How to make rotator?

I make form and set webhooks.
So, every lead… i need rotate and pass to my staff.

Example :
Lead 1 to staff01
Lead 2 to staff02
Lead 3 to staff03
Lead 4 to staff01
Lead 5 to staff02

and continue…
can help?

Use filters on each branch of the router.

For example, you can set the filter for staff01 like this:

“staff” is equal to “staff01” AND “Lead” is equal to “Lead 1” OR “Lead” is equal to “Lead 4”

Nooo… what if there are 10,000 leads in future? This is not the optimal solution.

webhook does not have information related to staff because we did not set it in the form.

I want to distribute leads consecutively.

Oh, ok, that is helpful to know. I thought you had specific leads you wanted to go to particular staff.

I think you could do it with a data store module, increment module, and variable modules.

You would need to set the count in the data store module, and an increment function or module and then distribute the lead to the staff based on the count.

So if you have three staff members, each time the count is at one, it would go to staff 1, and then when the count is at two, it could go to staff 2, and then when the count is three, it would go to staff 3. Then, the count would reset and start over again at one.

I have not worked it out yet in a scenario, but that is how I would approach it.

If you can share the blueprint, I can take a look. Or I can try to recreate it later.