How to Set up Send Email / Reply in Same Thread?

Hey there!

So I checked out the thread below before making this post to see if it would solve my issue of sending an email in the same thread it grabbed the initial email (still not)

Link to the solution I tried

Was wondering what the heck to do?

My get emails is returning empty for the values shown in my screenshot.

Since the email module is actually linked to my gmail, could that be the issue? Should I build this with only gmail modules?

Let me know if you see anything else wrong, screenies below.

If you followed the link in the thread you linked above to the showcase I published, I didn’t just use the plain references. The actual references are in the header.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
Note: I see hundreds of posts, notifications, and messages daily on this forum, so if I missed your reply, please message me to look at your reply.


P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!

Hi Hunter,

Not sure if this is still of help to you or anyone else trying to reply to the same email chain but I simply, using a Sent Email module (within the Built-in Email app), made use of the References field and selected the References output from the email I want to respond. Most likely you need to activate the Show Advance settings. I also kept the Map option activated. Please have a look at the below picture. I hope it helps.

Hey Sam,

Yeah I went through that once again, and still having trouble.

Also tried Ivan’s solution below. This is still sending as a whole new email and not in the original thread.

My screenshot below shows circled in green what I am mapping (plain references im guessing) and then also showing you there is no “references” under the headers.


So I found that this works for responding to the thread but when the AI reads the thread it can only see the most recent two. Im not sure how to go around this @samliew