I am seeing a problem with my Make account every next day i get log out from it then i have to login again every next day.
Is this normal in Make or i am only getting this problem
Hi @Saad_Ali
This typically occurs when there are updates on Make.com, or if your account is logged in on multiple devices. Logging out from one device will log you out from all other devices as well.
Best regards,
Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make
Hello @Saad_Ali,
As you explain you need to log in to make about every day and that same for all the users. It’s also happened in my case as well.
Another very important thing I’ve noticed is about home page login button in the page header.
@vendy When anyone goes to make.com it mostly shows the login button on the top even in the previous side tab you’re already logged in. You can also understand that this is a bad UI navigation experience for new users and it’s confused someone who just joined recently.
The thing is If I’ve already logged in then there is something else that should be shown instead of that login button like Dashboard or dropdown of select your region or account list if the user has access to multiple accounts etc.
Please cross-check and update the development team.
P.S.: Please also update if this is happening to my account only.
It’s so unproductive way to use Make i am facing it on daily bases and waste my 5 mints on it yes its 5 but its matter a lot in long term