Make Cares "My" Tickets?

I opened a support ticket three days ago and so far no answer.
Is there a page that shows all my open / past tickets to reference back or communicate further details / check status etc.

Hello @elijah :wave:

Thank you for the question.

After you’ve logged a ticket with us, you should receive a confirmation email to verify that we’ve received it.

Subsequently, when our support team responds to your inquiry, you’ll also receive their response directly in your inbox via email.

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Hey @Michaela , thanks for your answer.
That’s the traditional way. But after a couple of days of no answer my mind develops a compulsive disorder to keep refreshing my email on that same tab with the support ticket number!

I thought there a client portal with all open and closed tickets for reference would be helpful to keep track of things and as a reference.

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Did you create your ticket just before the weekend? Honest question: do you expect support to handle tickets on the weekend?

How fast you get a response will be affected by how many tickets are in the support queue, how serious the bug is, the priority based on your subscription tier, and possibly other factors as well.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


@elijah a portal like this, does not exist (at least now as far as I’m aware). But it’s also something I’ve requested multiple times (even through partner channels). As it would also allow me to close off tickets I’ve fixed myself after a few days (essentially taking items out of the queue for the support teams, and thus reducing queues and waiting times for other users).

@Michaela maybe we can put this on a todo list on someone’s desk to implement :wink:


Not complaining about the support time (yet) - 24 working hours - not including weekend - is indeed not sufficient for a proper answer especially on Mondays. Many of us here are freelancers, startups, owners of small agencies and trust me when I tell you: Weekends are not fun (that server / service that always fails just before the bell!) , Mondays are even worse!

My question was an honest one on a “client” portal. I receive at least 50 emails a day (a normal one, double that on weekends) some get lost, others forgotten and honestly I had to dig very deep to even find the ticket number …

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