Hi there,
long time reader, first time poster, hoping someone can help !
We use make to replicate data from a Notion Central DB to a customer DB (within the same workspace)
the source and target DBs both have a people field where we can enter users
The scenario successfully replicates 1 user, however if the source DB has 2 users in this field, only the first one is copied
this is our current config
any idea how i can make sure all users in the source field are copied to the target DB ?
Most likely if you’re mapping a value and there is an array of values with the ID, you’ll need to use join() to create a comma delimited list of IDs. What does the value data structure look like now (1. Properties Value.Responsable Notifie[]
it is an array, in most cases it has 1 entry, but in this case it has 2
so i am not sure what syntax i can use for force it to read all values
Do a join(map(1. Properties Value.Responsable Notifie;id))
and put that into your Notion map field – you need to create a list of values from the array and map() will get you the ids into an array and join will create the string.
Have a look at my newbies video below – it’s good to understand what apps expect and how to manipulate data.
Alex Sirota
Check out Make for Make Newbies Video Series 
My Solutions on Make Communityn
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i probably misundertsood something
Maybe – send me the JSON in code format and I’ll try to hammer something out for you when I get some free time.
i will do some more digging on join and map, thanks for your answer
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