Formula Column

According to this, data from a formula column in is now available via API. When will this data be available in make using either the Get Item or List Boards Items modules.

Use case: Right now I have a number of formula columns on the monday board that shows the # of connected items in a column. Formula is: {XX Board#Count}

I tried using the “Linked Pulse IDs” array in an iterator, but no luck getting the count of the number of connected items in the comma separated output. It counts the number of words.

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Hi @adinap

Technically, to get formula columns, we mimic them same like Monday in Make.

Msquare Automation - Platinum Partner of Make

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That is what I am doing now, but we need to reduce the number of operations in make, so pulling a calculated field variable will help with that.

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You could take the ‘Linked Pulse IDs’ array and wrap it with the length function. This will give you the amount of linked items.

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