Module Changes Due to New 2023-10 API Version (with Breaking Changes) has announced that support for the current default API version, 2023-07, is ending January 15, 2024.

The new version, 2023-10, is set to become the default as of January 15, 2024. According to monday, there are breaking changes coming with this new version.

I know, at the very least, “List Board’s Items” and “Execute a GraphQL Query” will need to be changed.

Can we please get an official notice of what changes Make is making to adjust for the API version changes and when we should expect these changes to be in place?

I hate to think about what might happen to all the Make scenarios I have created for monday.

Jim - The Monday Man
Get Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday


Seconded! I sent a support request on this topic, but I’d also like to contribute to community discussions.

I’m definitely worried about the way is rolling out these changes, but I think there’s a lot that can be done. I’d also be happy to help in any way or provide information about what Make can do to help.

I think the key thing that would help right now is allowing users to select which API version to use in the modules. That would at least give us a chance to test changes and migrate our scenarios.

In addition, there is probably a lot that could be done automatically. is dropping support for a number of widely-used fields (notably their “text” field) in many records. Their changes appear to be part of an aggressive effort to reduce traffic and rollout their new mondayDB back-end.

Some information here:


Make needs to at the very least make the API version an option on the Execute GraphQL Query module. While they can likely make the rest of the modules work with minimal rework on the users part. Its the custom queries that are going to cause problems.

Oddly, adding the API version header to the Execute GraphQL Query module is probably the EASIEST module they can adapt for the new API. Probably 2 minutes tops to add a field to select the API version or type in the version for the header.

For quicker assistance with technical problems, you may want to contact support directly. They respond very quickly and update you frequently on the status of their investigation.

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Hello everyone @here :wave:

First of all, thanks a lot for raising this here as I’m sure many users will have the same question in the future :pray:

I can confirm that our dev team is fully aware of these upcoming changes and is currently working on a new version of the app. When this updated version is ready for use, we’ll make sure to inform all our users who have modules in their active scenarios via email. This way, you’ll have all the details to update your modules.

Stay tuned and thanks again for raising this.


Michaela, first thank you for the response.

However, many of us have dozens, or hundreds (possibly thousands) of scenarios across many accounts (for partners) that require updating.

The biggest headache for customers is likely going to be the Execute GraphQL Query modules where we have to create and debug new queries. Most of the rest of the modules may just “work” once your team is done - assuming they make the effort to conform behaviors to match existing modules (which should be possible, nothing is changing in data structures).

We need a version of Execute GraphQL Query which provides an advanced field for us to manually specify an API version. As someone who has created make modules before, this adjustment from your dev team will take only minutes to create and test on its own.

This will afford all of your partners time adapt queries across their supported customers.

Worse is it sounds like this new version of the app is not a simply in-place update of the existing modules but an all new set of modules. This will be devastating to your customers because many have been dependent on partners to create complex scenarios for them - who are going to now have to rebuild every scenario for dozens of customers! There may be insufficient resources to complete this level of work.

I do not believe there is ANY need to release the make modules for the new API version separately, almost everything that is changing can be adapted seamlessly within the modules code to result in identical outputs and behaviors. The exceptions are a handful of column types no longer return values as they once did (but you can work around this easily), and a few column type identifiers may have changed in some circumstances (these could probably be rewritten on output to stay the same as old version for transition purposes to preserve any routing logic, with an advanced toggle to turn this on/off.)

However, we needed the ability to start adapting the custom queries in Execute GraphQL Query modules on October 1st to be able to service the needs of mutual customers. Please encourage the devs to put an advanced field on this single module in the existing version to allow us to specify the API version so we can at least start this work immediately. Then, if/when there is a new app version we’re in copy paste mode, not having to rewrite and debug queries mode - with only a matter of days to do it instead of three of months.

I know this single change can be completed quickly, and have zero impact on existing scenarios and usage of this module. A single mappable parameter that is used for the api-version header. If its not set, you exclude that header from the http request. If it is set, you send it.


Hello @Cody_Frisch :wave:

Thank you very much for your valuable feedback. I’ve shared what you’re suggesting with our dev team who thank you for making these valid points and say that they will try to consider them.

Just to give you a bit more context, we are working very closely with the team. They’re proactive and responsive, and they are aware of the potential impact on their users when implementing changes. We’re working hard to update the Monday app API with 0 to minimal impact on the customers, and we aim not to build a completely new set of modules as we understand how painful it is to update a large number of complex scenarios. I am sorry if my previous message was misleading in this regard.

As I’ve mentioned before, we’ll keep you updated on the progress, and we truly appreciate your active involvement and valuable insights in this process :pray:


Can you give us an idea of a timeline? Are these new modules/ways of utilizing version 2023-10 going to be rolled out next week? Or the end of December? I need to decide now whether I “brute force and ignorance” force my way through my own adaptation using HTTP modules or if I can afford to wait for your improved (and arguably infinitely slicker) modules.

I am not able to do this the first two weeks of January, right before my scenarios are rendered inoperable. But I can do it now. A roadmap with timelines will help immensely in planning my next steps.


This community post precisely captures my concerns. We can afford to wait until Monday for a potential solution, but waiting for months is not an option. Especially because we don’t know what the solution will be.

I’m also concerned about the long-term implications of these API changes. If we’re facing breaking changes now, will this happen more often in the future? The investment of 40+ hours (for the company that I work for) for each significant API update from Monday is already steep. As we continue to build more integrations and create scenarios, this time will only increase.

I’m interested in understanding whether Monday has plans to introduce breaking changes more frequently. This information is crucial as we evaluate whether to continue our partnership with Monday or seek a more stable alternative.

Hello @Lydia

While I can’t provide a specific date at the moment, I want to assure you that our goal is to implement these changes with plenty of time for users to adjust their scenarios. I will make sure to keep an eye on this and will update you here in this thread as soon as I have any new information to share.

Hi @Stan1 welcome to the community.

For comments and questions like these, you might find the Monday community to be more suitable.

Make is a service that facilitates connections with third-party apps. We don’t control the changes made by these external services, but we do our best to adapt and reflect those changes in our product.


FYI Very interested in seeing this one. the ‘Search by Column Values’ will also need updating as the monday items_by_column_values is changign to ‘items_page_by_column_values’

I’ve just today discovered a bug in monday where it seems they have already partially deprecated the items_by_column_values function. I’ll be posting as a monday bug shortly, but this is already impacting at least one of my accounts. Where I have to use two different methods.

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Hi @Michaela

Do you know when an official timeline or update will be available regarding this? Time is now pressing as we only have 2 months to design, test and implement any required changes… whilst I know Make are working on this, the uncertainty of not knowing if we will have zero/minimal impact or a total rewrite of many automations is not something that I can report back on to our management !

It would be REALLY helpful if Make can put out an announcement and either provide beta access so we can begin to understand what resource we have to book in to cover these changes.

Many thanks.



Can we expect additional information sometime soon?

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Hello @JimTheMondayMan

My apologies for the delay in getting back to you @Matthew_Haigh

Unfortunately, I still don’t have any fresh information or estimates to share at this time. I will make absolutely sure to let everybody in this thread know as soon as I learn any updates or extra information about this matter.

If you’d rather receive updates directly in your inbox, I’d recommend opening a ticket with our support team. This way, you’ll be automatically notified as soon as there are any developments on this issue.

I understand this may not be the news you were hoping for, but please know that our team is working on ensuring a smooth transition for all our valued users.

Thank you for your understanding and for your patience :pray:

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Thanks for the update Michaela, I think this article will be very valueable for monday users who haven’t yet realized the breaking changes in the API. I have this topic watched on high alert. And even knowing that the make engineering team is committed or not committed to update the monday module will be very helpful in our planning over the next 2 months.


Hey Everybody, in order to help bridge the current gap we have created a Make app that will allow you to run GraphQL queries while allowing you to specify the API version you want.

The app is available for anyone to use. For more details and the install link go here: TMM Tools

Jim - The Monday Man
Get Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday


Hello everyone @here :wave:

Here’s a quick update from our end:

The development team is working on implementing the changes and making the transition as smooth as possible. Our users who rely on Monday modules in their scenarios will get a couple of weeks to adjust. Once the process is 100% defined, we’ll notify all affected users and provide instructions on how to handle these changes in your scenarios to minimize any impact.

As always, I’ll keep you posted on any new information I come across.


I know you don’t have a firm date yet, but do you have any idea generally when we can expect it? The cutover is January 15th 2024. If this is released “with a couple weeks to adjust” that leaves virtually no time for partners to adjust hundreds of scenarios across many many accounts. Some rather complex one that will require significant testing.

BTW thank you @JimTheMondayMan for that module, it will save a lot of peoples bacon and provides more than “a couple weeks” to adjust scenarios where custom queries need to be changed - the most time consuming part of the process.

Thank you for the module, its working very well in my scenarios.
FYI for others on this thread, I’ve noticed a bug recurring in my accounts on the old 2023-07 API version where the ‘items_by_column_values’ query is unreliable in returning some results in my monday boards. The new function for 2023-10 ‘items_page_by_column_values’ is working properly. So with Jims help I’ve already been moving my make modules ‘search by item column values’ to utilize his graphQL module to great success.


Glad to hear it, @timlittletech!

Jim - The Monday Man
Get Custom Apps, Integrations & Automations for monday

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