Multiple Value in one cell in airtable

Hi Guys

I need some help with probably easy step, But I’m Lost now.

I have scenario where From source I collecting Multiple data.
In My case I geting category name from my ecommerce page, where one product have 2 or more categories.
When I using Iterator, Only one is provided , but in Airtable I have column with Multi selection.

Any idea how to add multiple value in moe cell at Create record or Update record time?

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2. Scenario Blueprint

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1. Product review
First please have a look for product website where I have 2 categories for one product
[Wardrobe BONO 160 cm - SPM Furniture](https://Wardrobe Bono 160 cm)

2. Blueprint Export
blueprint (1).json (127.4 KB)

3. Input/Output bundles
a) WooCommerce
WooCommerce Output.json (58.3 KB)

b) Airtable
Create record in Airtable Input.json (3.6 KB)
Create record in Airtable Output.json (2.7 KB)

4. Airtable results

This should be one record like this:

I appreciate for your help.

Hi all.

Any suggestion for this issue. I’m stuck with my scenario, All data is overwrited and display only one value vs Multiple value.

Hi All
Any idea hoe to solve my problem ?

You are using too many Iterators.

You only need three modules.

Try using more array functions instead.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.
Note: I see hundreds of posts, notifications, and messages daily on this forum, so if I missed your reply, please message me to look at your reply.


P.S.: Did you know, the concepts of about 70% of questions asked on this forum are already covered in the Make Academy. Investing some effort into it will save you lots of time and frustration using Make later!