Search Persons in Pipedrive through multiple variables

Good Morning Community,

Already working with Make for over an half year now and meanwhile, gained an understanding of various situations.:muscle:t4:

Now multiple scenarios are running and unfortunately run into sometimes multiple persons made in Pipedrive with their associated deals.

*We use multiple forms, or Payment providers, Clients/Leads needs to fill information, e.g. Calendly, Typeform, Plug&Pay, Sheets.

The issue had multiple reasons:

  • Some people use wrong names, tackled this to find person via mail address, and with the found person to find the deal.
  • Some people add other phone numbers. than the original that can be recognized.
  • Some people use other mail addresses in a later stadium…

Is there some way i can add multiple variables to find or an different scenario to reduce this finding challenge without to create a massive scenario for the three possible variables?

Try to find person via email, not found> try looking to name, not found> try to find person on the last 8 characters from the known phone number?

Why only the last 8 characters? reason is simple, as some phone numbers has their country code or not, in the first 2/3 characters.

Thank you all in advance!

All the best, TT