Shopify Order Modules

I just got a message that the following Modules will be deprecated:

Cancel an Order
Close an Order
Create a Draft Order
Create an Order
Get an Order
Reopen an Order
Search for Orders
Update an Order
Watch Orders

This is pretty much almost every module related to Orders on Shopify. I am completely running my entire business based on these. Can anyone suggest any alternatives to getting the Get Order and/or Search Orders as an alternative.


Hello there @jmacman :wave:

Thanks for raising your concern here and please let me bring more clarity to this situation.

Shopify is making some changes in their API.

Due to that, some properties will no longer be available through the modules you are mentioning.

The properties are:

  • customer.last_order_id
  • customer.last_order_name
  • customer.orders_count
  • customer.total_spent

Please note that the Order modules you listed are not being deprecated.

If you need to work with the abovementioned properties in your scenarios, you can retrieve them with the following modules instead:

  • Get a Customer
  • Search for Customer

Hope this helps


Ahhh…ok thanks for the clarity. The email was a bit vague. Thanks for responding.

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Sure thing, happy to help :slight_smile:

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12 posts were split to a new topic: Shopify: Mapping Fulfillment Order ID from Manual Fulfillment Orders

Hi Michaela,

I’m struggling to have the customer.orders_count value as it’s unable now. What can I do to get this number? I need to know if the orders corresponds to the first order or not for a specific customer.

I’m using the watch orders module to deposit data into a spreadsheet with this info.


Hello @Ricardo_Frontado welcome to the community :wave:

You can use the Get a Customer module in order to retrieve customer.orders_count .