Update user email address in monday.com

Is there a way to update a user email address in Monday.com using a query or any other function? Currently using Azure to create users and then provision to Monday.com through the SCIM process. But the email address I need in Monday.com needs to be the actual user email address that will vary depending upon their originating business.

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Hi @FixedOps

You can search for the item and then update the column.

Best regards,

Msquare Automation
Platinum Partner of Make

Hi @Msquare_Automation I am talking about the email address of a team member in the admin section. Not an email address on a board. I have it set up to provision users from Entra Id to monday.com but the email address passed in the SCIM provisioning isnt the actual team members email address I want to use. It is forcing me to use the domain name from Entra ID. I need to be able to take a person’s actual email address and then allow them to become a guest on a board for access once a new board is created from our intake process.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

I could really use some help with this. Does anyone have any ideas?

Hello @FixedOps,

If you are talking about Make Teams member, you could use the Make API for this

The endpoint is explained here: Make.com - Public API Documentation

You get the emails here. You just need to filter the user you want to get the email from.

You have to generate a Make API Key, and use “Make an API Call” with the Make App. And you need to provide the TeamId where the member is.
Let me know if you need help with this.

I hope it helps,


This would be for a user in Monday.com. Does this process also work from Make to Monday.com for users?

The Make API I propose you use is only to get users in your Make Organization and Team.

Maybe I misunderstood? When you talk about “team”, are you referring to a team in Monday? (I’m not really familiar with Monday.com)


Within Monday.com we have users/team members that can access and work within the system. I need the ability to be able to update email addresses for the team members that are inputted there.


Ok, so you want to add users as Team Members in Monday, based on the group they belong to in EntraId, correct?

But, the bit I don’t get is where you have issues with email.
Have I correctly understood that you add a user in Azure with a specific email address, but the same user is also in Monday, but with a different email address, right? And when you want to add the user to a specific Monday Team, you don’t know how you could retrieve his email?

Sorry for asking again and again for clarification, but sometimes my brain doesn’t connect dots immediately :sweat_smile:

All good. I was hoping to avoid using EntraID but it isn’t possible to use that or another similar process. The main issue I have is that I use make.com to create a user in EntraID, but EntraID forces me to use an email address format to my EntraID account. i.e. frank@fixedops3outlook.com. what I am trying to accomplish is when I have a new deal come in through our intake process I can grab a persons specific email address and create them as a user in Monday.com. The limitation with EntraID SCIM provisioning is that the users email address HAS to be in this format (frank@fixedops3outlook.com) even though that is not their actual email address (i.e. frank@gmail.com). Does that make sense?

By chance, is there any attribute you could use in EntraID to store their real email address?
Like this you would be able to find it and use it in Monday.

There is yes. Entra stores an email field, which I could utilize to store their actual email address. The SCIM provisioning just requires that the user principal name be passed over instead of their actual email address. It would be a lot easier if monday.com just allowed a direct pass from make.com to monday.com without a third party, but I have not found a way to make that happen yet.

Let me send you a direct message.


Found the solution through the http api fuction which works like a charm to create the new user



Currently I am facing this issue

Hi @harry3 . I ended up going with a create new user through the http Make an API Key Auth request module with the help of someone from monday.com. so I bypassed the need to update the email address, however, I am sure that there is a simple change in order to update the actual email address. For me this allowed me to bypass the need to use Microsoft Entra ID and the follow-up of updating an email address back to the actual email, thus allowing me to just input the user directly into monday.com with the correct information up front. input your actual monday.com address into the blacked out section of the URL field. get your api value generated in the SCIM section in monday.com and paste it into the value section in your module.

Input this into the Request Content and either map your data values for name and email, or link them to a value from another module.
“schemas”: [“urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User”],
“userName”: “”,
“name”: {
“givenName”: “Test”,
“familyName”: “test”
“emails”: [{
“primary”: true,
“value”: “test@test.com.com”,
“type”: “work”
“userType”: “guest”,
“displayName”: " Test User",
“locale”: “en”,
“timezone”: “Mountain Time”,
“title”: “”,
“addresses”: [{
“type”: “work”,
“primary”: true,
“value”: “”
“externalId”: “”,
“active”: true

The rest of the fields I left alone.

Should work for you. If you truly want to update get on the monday chatbot and say you need to talk to a person about updates. They resolved this for me in a matter of hours and a few back and forth emails.

Good luck!

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